It is difficult to describe what an “alien” presence feels like, but if you are an Experiencer, then you know that it takes time and guts to open yourself up to it ˗ to really feel and experience it rather than fearing it. Most of us learn at a relatively early age what it feels like when the Beings are nearby but cannot be readily seen, and we also know that different types of Beings have a different type of presence associated with them.

One of the most benevolent types of Beings are called Super Conscious Beings, Guides and Wise Ones. They often appear human and convey concern for our welfare. In the early 1990’s, I conversed for some time with one of these Beings, who appeared to me as an elderly man. We talked about some of my past experiences and I drew a picture for him of a Being with red eyes, which I then handed to him. This Being seemed to be there just for me. It is difficult to convey the level of intensity of the type of emotion associated with these particular Beings. It is a synthesis of platonic love, sexual love, nurturing love, and a parent’s love ˗ all rolled up into one emotion. The emotion is positively overwhelming and it is telepathically conveyed between Experiencers and Super Conscious Beings, Guides or Wise Ones.

Having had interaction with them for well over 20 years, I’ve observed that Super Conscious Beings can literally manifest their energy into any form they choose, whether it is a humanoid form or a solid object. When they are an object, which is rare and as far as I can tell is done for teaching purposes, the object itself radiates a consciousness – a life force.

They interact with people when they are undergoing difficult times or when it is time for the individual to learn a new concept. This involves the ability to see beyond time, dimension and other realities. This sometimes involves being on “the other side” or where we go after we pass from this physical existence. These Beings appear as both male and female and in one experience, they appeared as child-like angels who fluttered down from the night sky like leaves slowly swaying and falling with the wind. In that experience, they allowed me to touch a piece of a golden “rope” that they were gently touching, perhaps holding onto, when they descended. The rope itself emanated the same synthesis of love and consciousness that I described earlier with the Super Conscious Being. From what I have witnessed, these Beings are able to transform that which is material into consciousness itself.